Hands On Health Summer Newsletter
from Linda Wheatland Smith, D.C.
I hope this note finds each of you well. I will be out of the office July 29th-August 3rd and August 15th-25th. During these times there will be three massage therapists available to help you, and my assistant, Jeanne. Jeanne is a physical therapy assistant and can help you with deep tissue massage and physical therapies while I am out of the office.
July 29th through August 3rd, I will be a workshop leader for the Women’s Summer Seminar at Camp Miniwanca in northern Michigan. I will teach yoga and meditation, lead a wellness workshop, and be their song leader.

From August 15th through the 25th, my family and I will hike the Inca Trail. It has been on our bucket list. We will camp and hike for five days to reach the Sun Gates of Macchu Picchu.

DRY NEEDLING for Pain and Injury

Dry Needling is a procedure in which very thin needles are inserted into the painful areas of muscles or tissues of the body. The needle penetrates through the skin into the sensitive myofascial trigger points (irritable hard knots within the muscle) and stimulates the underlying injured muscles to relieve pain and promote healing. These fine needles deactivate the sensitive trigger points thereby decreasing pain and restoring the normal muscle functions. The needles do not inject any medication into the body. The treatment is very safe and the discomfort is minimal.
How Dry Needling Improves Function and Reduces Pain
Dry Needling of muscular trigger points causes relaxation and a release of the spasm.Tiny injuries created by the needle insertion cause a local healing response in the dysfunctional, painful tissue, which restores normal function through the natural healing process. Dry Needling stimulates neural pathways which blocks pain by disrupting pain messages being sent to the central nervous system.
The pain control process occurs by:
- Opiod suppression at the spinal cord level.
- The Gate Theory of pain Pain messages encounter “nerve gates” in the spinal cord that open or close depending upon a number of factors. When the gates are opening, pain messages “get through” and pain can be intense. When the gates close, pain messages are prevented from reaching the brain and may not even be experienced.
- Activating neurotransmitters in the central nervous system, which contribute to a systemic pain inhibiting effect, and this neurotransmitter response extends the therapeutic benefit to other areas of the body.
- Dry Needling causes a local chemically mediated response through the release of Bradykinin, Substance P, and other body proteins and neurotransmitters, which block the transmission of pain messages.
Dry Needling has been shown to help the following conditions:
- Lower back pain
- Neck and Upper Back Pain
- Plantar Fascitis
- Tension Headache
- Sciatica
- Piriformis Syndrome
- Hip Pain
- Acute and chronic tendinitis
- Athletic and sports-related overuse injuries
- Post-traumatic injuries, motor vehicle accidents, and work related injuries
- Chronic pain conditions
- Muscular Headaches and whiplash
Call us at 314-721-5390 to schedule a visit to see if dry needling will be helpful for your pain and injuries.
Nutrition News
Hormone of Darkness: Marvelous Melatonin
Melatonin is a hormone secreted by the pineal gland in response to darkness. Melatonin is involved in the regulation of sleep. In addition research is demonstrating its impressive biologic affects in preserving health and preventing disease. As we age Melatonin secretion drops off markedly, which is why sleep disturbances are so common after age 40.
Melatonin appears to:
- block the progression of mild cognitive impairment
- be a powerful brain anti-oxidant and immune modulator
- have anti-cancer properties especially with regards to breast and prostate cancer
- inhibit build up of beta-amyloid plaque in the brain (a key hallmark feature of Alzheimer’s disease)
- block key steps in the development of Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS)
Melatonin may be taken as an over the counter supplement. It is important to check in with your physician for dosages and interaction with other medications.
Office Hours and Fee Schedule
Dr. Smith’s Office Hours
Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday by appointment.
We integrate chiropractic, massage therapy and acupuncture into our treatment programs. Please plan on each visit taking approximately 45 minutes.
New Patient Evaluation: $80-140
New Problem Evaluation: $40-80
Chiropractic Care with massage and physical therapy: $84
Acupuncture with Massage Therapy: $94-120
Massage Therapy Schedule and Fees
Massage therapy is available throughout the week and on weekends by appointment.
30 minute massage: $45
(good for an area that is troubling you such as your low back, shoulder or neck)
60 Minute Massage: $70
(excellent for a full body massage, deep relaxation, and deep tissue)
90 Minute Massage: $95
(excellent for a full body massage and an intense focus on an area of injury or pain with deep tissue work)
Please call us at 314-721-5390 to schedule your massage or you may call our therapists directly:
Danny Mueller, LMT 1-832-647-8783
Sallie Spence, LMT 1-314-974-4216
Kelly Andel, LMT 1-314-255-5056
Managing our bodies is an ongoing challenge.
Helping you manage your body is a privilege that we take to heart at Hands on Health.
We look forward to seeing you soon.
All the best,
Linda Wheatland Smith, D.C.